
I went from living a life other people told me I should live to living the life I wanted to live. Let me teach you my STEP-BY-STEP formula for figuring out what you want to do with your life in the next four years even if your parents might disagree but it’s something you love.


This Training Could Change Your Life…Starting TODAY!



Dear high school senior, college student, young professional and anyone who’s struggling to find their passion, find their purpose, and find a way to live the life THEY want to live:


Have you ever struggled to find your life’s purpose, find your passion, and find a way to use your gifts? This is for you!


Are you wondering how to create a job you love, one that you enjoy waking up for – even if you’re in college? Or maybe you’re wondering if the career you’re pursuing is actually what you should be doing? This training is for you.


What about if you’re so overwhelmed by the amount of college majors and career options that you keep bouncing back and forth between life paths because they all seem interesting for a little while? This is for you, too.


Are you desperate to take the reins of your own life, stop being under the influence of what your family wants you to do, and start living YOUR LIFE the way YOU want to? My friend, you are in the right place.


I spent way too many years of my life listening to what other people thought I should do and feeling like I had to do what my parents wanted in order to keep them happy and make them proud of me. I took their advice on career choices, believed their beliefs that the only way to happiness and freedom was through a traditional 9-5, and hid my true feelings, interests, and desires from them for YEARS.


Not only did that damage our relationship, but it made me feel uncomfortable, angry, and resentful talking to them about future plans. I felt trapped in my own skin, and I was NOT excited for my future because it wasn’t mine – it was theirs! I was constantly wondering if what I was doing was what I was supposed to be doing, if the career I was pursuing was right for me, and if I should just trust my family members because they knew best. In short, I was living un-authentically, and it both strained my relationship with my parents and made it nearly impossible for me to pursue the goals I really wanted to achieve.



Now, don’t get me wrong – I love my parents! They have given me so many incredible opportunities and experiences, taught me so many lessons, and love me like crazy – and I’m sure yours do, too! That being said, they don’t always agree with or understand what you want to do with your life. Here’s the thing: you should love your parents, but you should love yourself and your dreams more.


It was a rude awakening, but when I decided I was going to start living for myself and work towards MY dreams, I put myself through a simple three-step process that showed me EXACTLY what I should be doing in life, how to NEVER lose motivation for my goals, and how to make sure what I’m seeing EVERY DAY aligns with where I’m going in life. This was a huge game-changer for me. Now, I cannot wait to wake up every morning, love going to work, and am excited beyond belief for my future. Even more importantly, I know exactly what I’m doing with my life and am PROUD of myself for the direction I’m going.


The first step to being independent is being clear on your PASSION, your PURPOSE, and your PATH – and I can show you how to do that in three simple steps.


Every single one of you has a dream, but let me ask you a few questions:

  • Is it really YOUR dream, or is it the dream you’ve been told you should have and never questioned?
  • Do you know WHY you want your dream and how to use that to keep your motivation going no matter what obstacle is placed in your way?
  • Do you frequently get distracted by new dreams, or are you able to focus on the dreams that are ACTUALLY important to YOU?
  • Would you even know how to go about figuring out those answers on your own?

I want to make this super easy for you. I want to walk you through some simple steps that will allow you to understand yourself on a deeper level, be PROUD of who you are, what you want, and where you’re going, and know what to do EVERY SINGLE DAY to move yourself toward your dreams.



This webinar is PERFECT for anyone who is looking to take back control of their future and live for themselves AND who wants a straightforward and feel-good way to do it!


“How To Figure Out What You Want To Do With Your Life In The Next Four Years, Even If Your Parents Might Disagree (But It’s Something You Love)” is a full-length, step-by-step course where I will be teaching you everything you need to know about separating your dreams from your parents dreams, figuring out what the heck you should do with your life, crafting a powerful motivational statement and dream board so that you’ll never fall off the wagon again.


This is NOT a course where we’ll be sitting in a dark room with candles chanting our dreams over and over again – none of that. This is also NOT a course where we sitting about moaning and groaning and bashing our family’s about how unfair they are – you’re better than that. 


If you want to start deciding for yourself, you need to start thinking for yourself, and this course is for people who are serious about taking the reins of their OWN life, no matter what their parents or family members might think.


Includes worksheets and examples!! $112 in BONUS items!!!

Fast, easy access – right at your fingertips!!


How to get yourself in the right frame of mind before starting any visualization exercise

How to discern between what you want and what your family expects you to do

Why it’s okay to finally accept yourself and your authentic wishes

How to figure out what you really want in life

How to flip a coin for fast and authentic decisions

How having a role model (or two or three) can make visualization and figuring out what you want so much easier

How to differentiate between character role models and item role models

How to to categorize your role models as piece role models and whole role models – and why that’s important!

Why someone should earn a spot as a role model for you

How to bridge the gap between you and your role models


Why your ‘why’ is so important

Why internal whys are so much more effective than external whys

How to look at what you hate in life to create a meaningful why

How to re-frame your thoughts from negative to positive

The difference between what you want and what you get from what you want – and why that matters!

Why wish-lists are cool, but dream-lists are better


Why a vision board works

How to overcome your skepticism of visualization

Scientific proof that shows the efficacy of positivity and goal setting

How to not overload yourself with excess goals using the concept of 5 Buckets

The difference between item buckets and characteristic buckets

The importance of having an online and a physical vision board

The best resources for finding items for your vision board

How to use Pinterest to create your online vision board

How to define your five buckets in an online format

What you should set as your vision board’s Pinterest cover image

How many images you should have per bucket

Alternative formats to vision boards

What supplies you need to make a vision board

How to make a vision board for under $10

How to arrange your vision board items for maximum prioritization

Where to put your vision board

How to interact with your vision board

When to update your vision board

…and so much more!



Jessi is a self-proclaimed “professional daydreamer” with a talent for figuring out what someone really wants out of life and how they should go about living authentically and freely.


Jessi has been planning her life, figuring out her best goals, and loving the endless possibilities life has to offer since she was five years old with her first toy doctor’s kit. Since then, she has realized many of her lifelong goals, including attending an internationally top-ranked university, hosting three charity runs that raised over $14,000 before the age of sixteen, and having the family (furry and not!) that she’s always dreamed of.


Jessi is currently studying psychology at the University of Minnesota, and she has education in subjects such as healthy relationships, self-care, health psychology, and nature-based therapies. Jessi is also preparing a project on healing from and releasing trauma.



When we look at current classes for goal-setting, self-authenticity, and figuring out what you want out of life, there are a few key points that NO ONE IS TALKING ABOUT. No one teaches talks about carrying your dreams with you always so that you never forget who you are, what’s important, and where you’re going! No one talks about how to figure out if your goals are actually your own – they just take it at face value and run with it (that can be SO detrimental to your dreaming and achieving process, my friends). No one even talks about the driving force behind accomplishing your dreams – your why!!


You can’t achieve your dreams without knowing why you want to achieve them, and you can’t have any solid dreams if you don’t know what you want in life! That’s why this class addresses all three to give you ALL the tools you need to live your own life, achieve your dreams, and use your whole self to do it – not just one piece of the picture.




Is this course only for arsty and creative people?

Not at all! I am literally the least artistically talented person out there, trust me. The vision board we’ll make is a reflection of your goals, not a reflection of your artistic talents. Plus, the way I teach you to make an online vision board requires no artistic talents at all!


What if I don’t have any goals?

Do you not have any goals or do you not think your goals are big enough to warrant taking a class that will teach you how to achieve them? If it’s the former, this course will help you uncover what your goals are (everyone has them!). If it’s the latter, this course is perfect for you, too! I’ll help you realize why you want what you want, and that can be even more powerful than the actual goal itself.


Why should I take an online class instead of going to a vision boarding workshop?

Besides the differences in content that we’ve already discussed, a vision boarding workshop doesn’t always have the resources or instruction you need to make an effective vision board. Plus, sometimes they just don’t work with your schedule! This “go-at-your-own-pace” course allows you to work as quickly or slowly as you want, go back over content you missed the first time, and work in the comfort of your own home.


Finally – a way I can sit on my butt and STILL have all my dreams come true!!

Eh, not quite. Actually, not at all. If you think that by creating a vision board you’ll automatically have everything you want, that’s not the case. You still have to put in the time and put in the physical work. This class adds another dimension to that, gives you focus and clarity toward your actual goals, and provides you a tool for motivation and subconscious unleashing – it’s not a magic wand.


I already know what I want out of life, so why should I take this course?

That’s awesome – congratulations! Before you sign off, though, I have a few questions to ask. First, are you excited to wake up in the morning? Second, have you ever lost motivation for your goals or felt like they weren’t worth pursuing? Third, when you think about your future, are you energized or complacent and resigned? If you answered “no” to the first, “yes” to the second, and/or “complacent and resigned” to the third, then you need this course. You might not be on the right path, after all.



You Control The Pace With This Webinar Training “How To Figure Out What You Want To Do With Your Life In The Next Four Years, Even If Your Parents Might Disagree (But It’s Something You Love)


Start IMMEDIATELY!! You’ll have INSTANT ACCESS to the training, worksheets, and bonus content!!!


Your registration gives you access to:

  • Lifetime access to 100 minutes of video training and screen sharing with Jessi
  • Worksheets and handouts
  • Full audio and video recordings

+ $112 in bonus materials, recordings, and worksheets!!



Yes, Jessi!! I’m ready to take back my future and live MY life – not the one someone else picked out for me!


I’m ready to finally clear up my dreams and figure out what I should do with my life. I’m ready to figure out WHY I want what I want so I don’t lose motivation every time it gets hard. I’m ready to focus in on my dreams and be PROUD of myself for the life I’m living. 


No fussing, no headaches, no more struggling with designing my dream life!




For the entire 100 minutes of training, worksheets, full recordings, and $112 IN BONUS MATERIAL!


Reserve your seat for $77 $47 today! Don’t miss this opportunity!

Limited Time Offer For: 350 Students Only 75 seats available

or register with your Amazon account:



$159 value!



Legal Disclaimer: Every effort has been made to accurately represent this course and its potential outcomes. Any testimonials used are unscripted statements from individuals who have taken this course, but their experiences do not necessarily represent the normal outcome and they are not a guarantee that you will receive the same outcome. Each individual’s success depends on their background, character, and effort put into the material taught in this course. As this is an instant-access online course, there are currently no refunds available.