
How To ACTUALLY Use The Law of Attraction to Manifest Your Dreams

I asked a question a couple of days ago on my Facebook page about whether you believe in The Law of Attraction or not, and I had someone ask, “What is that?” So, I wanted to give a little bit of information about what The Law of Attraction is, how it works, how to use it, and then debunk some myths about it.


The most common Law of Attraction that you probably hear about is the concept of if you look at something all the time and you think about something all the time, then that’s going to happen in your life. It’s a lot of manifestation, visualization, vision boards – things like that. If you have ever seen The Secret (the movie) or read the book, you know probably a lot about this version of The Law of Attraction.


The Secret: The Law of Attraction


But here’s the thing – you can’t achieve your dreams by sitting on the couch. I hate to be the bearer of bad news or the woman who’s going to give you some tough love, but that’s the truth. If you just sit here and if you just think of something a bunch and a bunch and a bunch and you stare at a bunch of pictures of it, it’s not going to happen. You have to get out and do it. You have to put action into your dreams.


The Law of Attraction that I believe in and that I’ve experienced it in my life and that a lot of other people have experienced in theirs has two parts. The first part is exactly what The Secret talks about, which is that if you have something in front of your face and you think about it and you focus on your dreams, that you’re going to achieve them. Now, this is why I teach about vision boards, but I kind of flipped them on their head and call them an attention-focusing tool because that’s basically what you’re doing. You’re not looking at something and then that picture is going to turn into reality. No, you’re focusing yourself on your dreams, so that when choices come up or distractions arise, you’re able to say, “That’s not what I want because it doesn’t align with my dreams.”


The second part, though, is action, and this is just as important and as the first part. If you don’t get out there and do something, if you don’t make a plan of actionable steps and work through them one by one to achieve your dreams, then, no matter how many pictures you stare out at, how many positive thoughts about your dreams you have, you’re never going to achieve them.


That is what I mean by The Law of Attraction – those two parts. The first part is the visualization and the manifestation, and the second part is the action that spurs the manifestation. They are both equally important. One of them cannot work without the other. If you’re just doing things and doing things and doing things all the time, but you don’t know what you’re working towards – you don’t have that goal in the forefront of your mind – you’re not going to achieve it, either.


Don’t take me to one end of the spectrum or the other and say that, “Oh, you have to just work all the time and never manifest or visualize,” or “Oh, you can just sit there and manifest and visualize and all your dreams are going to come true.” Neither of them is correct. You have to do both. You have to work and you have to visualize to get that manifestation in your life.


This is so important, especially in the personal development niche, because you’re going to hear a lot of messages about this. You’re going to get the word and the term “The Law of Attraction” thrown around a lot, but if you don’t actually know what that is and how to implement it properly in your life, then it’s kind of useless. It’s like someone throwing around calculus equations and you don’t know what they mean or know how to use them, so you just kind of disregard it. The Law of Attraction is so, so powerful when you put those two pieces together that it’s not something I want you guys to disregard because you don’t understand it. That’s why I wanted to do this post.


I wanted to make it really, really clear that this is what we’re talking about. This is exactly what I mean when I say The Law of Attraction. You can go about your daily life and interact with other people who may know this term and be able to say, “Ah no, there’s actually two pieces” – whether you correct them or not is kind of up to you – but the point is that you have a really good understanding of what The Law of Attraction is and how to use it in your life. You can have a much better idea of what all these mixed messages and things about action versus inaction versus visualization equals manifestation actually mean. The Law of Attraction is incredibly powerful, like I said, but you need to have those two pieces.


The Law Of Attraction


Keep them in the forefront of your mind. Get your goals up somewhere that you can see them every day so you know exactly what you’re focusing on and then put action behind it. You need those two pieces, but make sure that they’re both there. That is going to give you the best shot at using The Law of Attraction to manifest your dreams.

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